Geological Features and Hydrocarbon-bearing Condition of the PingHu Tectonic Belt, the East China Sea
摘要: 平湖构造带是东海油气勘探与开发的重点之一,主体部位已完成了7块3D地震勘探区块,钻井13口,先后发现了平湖等四个油气田,为了深入了解平湖构造带的地质构造特征及含油气条件,掌握油气富集规律,文章在历年油气勘探和科研成果的基础上,结合最新的3D地震构造解释成果,特别是对原来发现的局部构造进行了重新认识,进一步掌握了各区块之间的地质构造特征,综合研究认为:平中与平北各油气田之间的构造圈闭成藏条件良好,预测为有利的含油气构造,可作为今后的钻探的目标;平南区有望成为新的油气勘探区之一。Abstract: The PingHu Tectonic Belt is one of the key point of hydrocarbon exploration and development in the East China Sea, 3D seismic exploration of 7 blocks have been finished, 13 well drilled and 4 fields including the PingHu field discovered in the main body of the area.Combined with the new 3D interpretation results, this paper re-recognized the early discovered part structures.Comprehensive analysis indicated that the reservoir condition is good in the trap among the PingZhong and PingBei fields, which can be predicted as the beneficial hydrocarbon-bearing structures for future drilling, and the PingNan area may be listed in new group of exploration.