The Synthetic Log Interpretation and Evaluation of Hainan 8 Block
摘要: 文章针对海南8块东营组三段低电阻率油气储层测井评价中存在的难点问题,总结分析了该区块低电阻率油气层的成因,指出储层岩性细、毛管束缚水饱和度高以及高矿化度海水泥浆的侵入是导致该区块油气水层测井响应差异小的根本原因。同时结合试油资料及其它非测井资料对区块进行对比分析,从区域上掌握了油气水的分布规律,为区块的进一步开发提供了合理的依据和措施。Abstract: his paper summarized the contributing factors of low resistivity hydrocarbon bearing zones after studied the log evaluation difficulties which existed in the low resistivity hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Third Section Zone of Dongying Group in Hainan 8 block. The author found that it was very difficult to find the difference between oil bearing zones and water bearing zones during the research. The author also pointed out that the main reasons were finding reservoir lithology, high saturation of irreducible water and high salinity mud filtrate invasion. Meanwhile, the hydrocarbon distribution trend in the block after the correlation between test data and the auxiliary data were known and could offer reasonable basis and measure for the further development of that block.