The Exploration Outlook of Natural Gas under High Temperature and High Pressure in Medium-Deep Layer in the Shale Diapir Belt of the Yinggehai Basin
摘要: 针对莺歌海盆地底辟带中深层,中国海洋石油总公司在20世纪末批准并上钻了两口探井。两口井的钻探成功,揭开了该盆地底辟带中深层异常高温高压勘探领域的神秘面纱,证实和肯定了底辟带中深层异常高温高压环境下具备天然气成藏的基本地质条件,同时也证实了游离气藏的存在,基本消除了多年来地质家的疑虑。只要针对底辟带中深层天然气成藏的主控因素进行认真的研究和分析,在这一异常高温高压领域找到大气田是可能的。Abstract: Aiming at exploring the medium-deep layers of mud diapir belt in the Yinggehai Basin, CNOOC drilled two wells at the end of 20th century. The success of the two wells uncovered the mysterious veil of the medium-deep layers of the Yinggehai Basin, and proved that 1) medium-deep layers of mud diapir belt have basic geological conditions to form gas reservoirs under high temperature and high pressure; 2) free gas reservoirs exist in the area. Thus the geologist's doubt of many years disappeared. If we could do some careful research and analysis on the controlling factors of gas reservoir forming, sizeable gas field is possible to be found in this high temperature and high pressure area.