The Analysis and Remedy Measures on Drill Pipe Washouts of Well Fuyang 1
摘要: 文章探讨了东海海域富阳一井钻井施工中出现的钻杆刺漏现象,并对刺漏钻杆进行解剖研究,结合国内外钻杆刺漏的事例,指出腐蚀疲劳是钻杆刺漏的根本原因,并提出了预防钻杆腐蚀疲劳失效的合理化建议。Abstract: The article elaborated the drill pipe washouts occurred during the drilling operation of Well Fuyang 1. After the further research was conducted by intersecting the washouted drill pipes and referring to home and overseas drill pipe washout cases, the conclusion was brought forward that the drill pipes washouts were due to the corrosion fatigue. And the reasonable remedy measure was recommended for drill pipe failure caused by corrosion fatigue.