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张予生. 温吉桑油田伽马基线异常高井的注水剖面测试与解释方法研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2004, 24(3): 69-76.
引用本文: 张予生. 温吉桑油田伽马基线异常高井的注水剖面测试与解释方法研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2004, 24(3): 69-76.
ZHANG Yu-sheng. Log Technology and Interpretation Method on Water Injection Profile of Well with High Base Gamma Curve in WENJISANG Oil Field[J]. Offshore oil, 2004, 24(3): 69-76.
Citation: ZHANG Yu-sheng. Log Technology and Interpretation Method on Water Injection Profile of Well with High Base Gamma Curve in WENJISANG Oil Field[J]. Offshore oil, 2004, 24(3): 69-76.


Log Technology and Interpretation Method on Water Injection Profile of Well with High Base Gamma Curve in WENJISANG Oil Field

  • 摘要: 由于油田注水开发在吐哈温吉桑油田进行放射性同位素示踪注水剖面测井时,出现了一些测试的自然伽马基线在目的层段或局部异常高值的井,采用常规放射性同位素示踪注水剖面测井方法,曲线统计误差绝对值增大,射孔层吸水的幅度淹没在了基线异常高值的范围内,解释误差增大。通过改进常规测井施工工艺技术,用高强度的同位素131Ba-GTP微球,增大替注量测试该类井获得成功。并通过改进资料解释方法,校正吸水层的厚度、地层界面移动和幅度,消除高强度同位素微球测井时由于伽马测量仪器中的RC积分电路的惰性影响,主要是测井速度v和积分电路时间常数影响产生的实际测井曲线的变化,资料经过校正解释方法得到了较为准确的结果。


    Abstract: There are some water injection well with great high base gamma curve due to injection water for development in TUHA WENJISANG oil field. Interpretion error will be increased if we use normal radioactive logging technology, because statistic error of curve is much and curve amplitudes of preformatted sect is great smaller than that of abnormal base gamma curve. How do we log and interpret injecting profile of this kind of well? Through improving technology, we increase radioactive isotope intension and the amount of injection water. At the same time, through improving interpretation method, we amend curve amplitudes, thickness and interface of water injection layer. We must abolish a few indolent influence which comes from Rc integral circuit of gray apparatus because of high isotope intension, effect of logging velocity v and time constant τ are main.


