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李春荣, 陈开远. 潜江凹陷盐湖层序地层岩石地球化学古环境研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2004, 24(3): 25-29.
引用本文: 李春荣, 陈开远. 潜江凹陷盐湖层序地层岩石地球化学古环境研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2004, 24(3): 25-29.
LI Chun-rong, CHEN Kai-yuan. The Research of Ancient Environment of Rock Geochemistry and Sequence Stratigraphy on Saline Lake, Qingjiang Depression[J]. Offshore oil, 2004, 24(3): 25-29.
Citation: LI Chun-rong, CHEN Kai-yuan. The Research of Ancient Environment of Rock Geochemistry and Sequence Stratigraphy on Saline Lake, Qingjiang Depression[J]. Offshore oil, 2004, 24(3): 25-29.


The Research of Ancient Environment of Rock Geochemistry and Sequence Stratigraphy on Saline Lake, Qingjiang Depression

  • 摘要: 盐湖作为陆相湖盆中的特殊单元,是在特定地质与气候等因素的综合影响下形成的。潜江凹陷潜江组盐湖发育了巨厚的湖相盐韵律沉积,平面分布范围广,是盐湖盆地层序地层学研究的典范。文章运用层序地层学基本原理,以岩石地球化学为手段,通过选取硼 (B)、锶 (Sr)、钡 (Ba)、钒 (V)和镍 (Ni)等微量元素及其部分比值和碳 (C)、氧 (O)、硫 (S)等同位素对沉积环境反映最为敏感的地化指标,分析研究了其在不同层序、不同体系域的变化特征,认为潜江凹陷盐湖沉积环境为较高盐度陆相咸化湖泊。


    Abstract: The saline lake as the special unit of terrestrial lake is formed under the special geology and climate. The huge thickness of rhythmic saline sediment which was developed in the Qianjiang Formation of Qianjiang Depression may be a representative example for the study of sequence stratigraphy about saline lake. The paper uses the rationale of sequence stratigraphy, carving up sequence of Qianjiang saline lake, and discusses the characteristics of the sequence stratigraphy development. By means of the rock geochemistry, the paper analyzes the changing character of different sequences and tracts and discusses the environment significance of B、Sr、Ba、V、Ni etc. microelements and their ratios and C、O、S etc. isotopes which are very sensitive to sedimentary environment. Finally, the paper draws a conclusion that the sedimentary environment of the saline lake basin of Qianjiang is a terrestrial lake with the higher salinity.


