Repairing Oil and Gas Pipeline with PE Pipe
摘要: 目前许多在役油气管线都出现了严重的腐蚀现象,因此迫切需要一种经济合理的管道修复技术。PE具有形状记忆特点,在暂时缩径穿入管子后,恢复并涨贴于管道内壁上,可以形成性能良好的衬里。文章根据PE衬管的特性,阐述了应用PE管复油气管道的机理和方法,以及一些主要现场施工技术。Abstract: Nowadays,the corrosion of pipelines is very severe,so it is urgent to have a economical repair technology. PE is featured by figure memory,we can line it inside the pipelines to form a favorable liner. According to the characteristic of PE,this paper formulize the mechanism and method of pipeline repairing,and some construction technology.