Depth Positioning Method of Wel l Perforation Layer
摘要: 无论用什么方式进行射孔,都必须准确无误地把射孔枪送到目的层段,否则,射孔方法再好也没用。习惯上把这项对射孔层点火深度进行准确定位的工作称为射孔校深。目前各地区均按自己的习惯采取略有不同的校深方法,文章介绍的校深方法是在参阅各类方法和总结东海多口井实践的基础上完善并确立的。同时对影响射孔深度定位精度的主要因素进行了分析,并提出了解决该问题的相应办法。Abstract: Whatever method of perforation used,it is the must to set the perforating gun accuarately at the target formation. The accarate depth positioning for the gun fire at the perforated layer is used to be called the perforation depth calibration. Nowadays,the calibration method with a little variation are used by different fields. Referring to all kinds of using method,this paper introduce such methods on the basis of multiple well practice of the East China Sea.Factors influencing accuracy of calibration are analized and resolvement of those problems are supplied as well.