Factor and Countermeasure Affecting Swellable Particulate's Profile Modification Period of Validity
摘要: 水膨体堵剂性能、剂量大小、油藏条件和注采管理等是影响其调剖有效期的主要因素。为延长水膨体调剖有效期,提高水膨体堵水调剖的效果,通过对以上各因素进行分析,提出了相应的技术对策,对矿场应用有指导作用。Abstract: Swellable particulate's capability and dosage magnitude and oil store condition are main affect valid period validity of swellable particulate. For extending valid period and improve swellable particulate's profile modification effect,analyzed various effect,educed relevant technical countermeasure. It is useful for locale apply.