Application of Bin-divisible Technique in 3D Seismic Exploration in Jiangsu Area
摘要: 在以往的地震资料采集中,我们的震源线是平行且间距相等的,并且每条线上由多个等间距的检波器组成。震源线间距是道距的整数倍,接收线间距是炮间距的整数倍。用这种观测系统放炮后,在每个标准面元里,在理论上只产生一个共中心点 (CMP)。如果我们只要稍微改变炮间距、道距、接收线距和炮线距,使检波器和震源在每隔一个或多个点处重合,这样在每个标准面元里的中心点的数量会成倍增加。在处理时,可根据实际情况来调整面元大小,从而允许勘探人员在覆盖次数和分辨率之间做出理想选择。Abstract: On the seismic data acquisition project before,the strings should be equal and parallel to the source line. And there are geophones that the distance is the same in each line. The interval between sources lines is integral multiple of trace interval. The interval of receiving lines is integral multiple of shot interval. Shoot shots using this kind of system,in theory,there will be only on CMP in each normal surface. But if we change the shot interval,the trace interval,the group interval and the interval of receiving lines and make the geophone and source to be superposition after each or group points,then the number of CMP in each normal surface will increase multiply. When it is being processed,the exploration staff can make adjustment of surface and make the perfect choice between the fold number and the resolution rate ac-cording to the practice.