Technology of Fine Structure Research in Progressive Development of Little Fault Block Oilfield
摘要: 素有"地质家考场"的江苏油田地下情况复杂,断层破碎,火成岩发育,多次波严重,因此,构造精细解释在复杂小断块的滚动开发中起着至关重要重要的作用。在GJ和CB地区,充分运用处理解释一体化技术及层位综合标定技术,对该区的层位和断层进行准确的标定和解释,为滚动勘探开发提供了准确的地下构造模型,使该区的含油面积和地质储量不断增加。Abstract: Jiangsu oilfiled has so complex condition under ground structure that it is considered as "the examination room of geologist". It is featured by fractural faults,severe multiple and igneous rocks,thus the technology of fine structural interpretation plays key role in progressive development of little fault block oilfield. In GJ and CB oilfield,horizons and fault in the area were accurately demarcated and interpretation,by making full use of fine technologies of interpretation and processing,offering the precision structure modle under ground. And area of oil-bearing and geology reserves continually increased.