Drill ing Techniques of Improving Drilling Rate in Exploration Wells in Xihu Trough, the East China Sea
摘要: 文章通过对勘探三号钻井平台在东海西湖凹陷上所钻九口井的台月效率统计分析,阐述了该地区探井从优化井身结构、优选钻头类型、合理的钻具组合、近平衡钻井、优选钻井参数等方面所采取的钻井技术措施,这些措施大幅度地提高了台月效率,降低了钻井成本,取得了非常好的经济效果,为今后该区块进一步的勘探与开发提供了很好的借鉴。Abstract: Based on the analysis of nine exploration wells'drilling rate drilled in Xihu Trough, the East China Sea, the paper puts forward some suggestions of improving drilling rate and reducing drilling cost by such drilling techniques as well structure simplification, drilling parameter optimized, drill bit selected and used reasonably, BHA made up properly and drilled in approximate balance, as well as provides good experiences for exploration and development in the area in the future.