The Single-Wel l Chemical Tracer Method for Measuring Residual Oil Saturation ———Review and Prospect
摘要: 经过第一次和第二次采油后,还有大量的石油滞留地下深处不能被有效采出。而每年新发现的石油地质储量在不断减少,勘探开发的难度越来越大,这就要求必须采用先进的方法和技术将残余在地下的原油采出,也就有了确定SOR的需要。在进行三次采油的潜力评价中,SOR是一个至关重要的参数。测残余油饱和度的方法较多,但各有优缺点。单井化学示踪剂是其中一种较为有潜力的方法,它始于20世纪60年代后期,由Cooke首先提出,它利用地层的色谱效应,用示踪剂法测残余油饱和度。Deans于1967年用此法在室内成功地测定了模型内的残余油饱和度,1968年应用于现场获得成功,1971年取得了美国专利权。该法首次现场测试获得成功以来已广泛应用。单井示踪法成本低,测定简便,测定体积大并且可调,应用范围广,灵敏准确,是测定残余油饱和度的理想方法。作者调研了大量国内外资料,对单井化学示踪剂测残余油饱和度的产生背景、应用及其发展作了回顾,并在与其它测残余油饱和度进行对比的基础上,对其应用发展前景作了展望。Abstract: A mass of oil that be reserved after primary and secondary recoverying can not be availability recovered. Exploitation is becoming more and more difficult while the newly discoverable petroleum oil is less. New fields were not being discovered fast enough to replace the old ones as they were depleted. It became clear that the oil remaining in our developed reservoirs could be considered a valuable primary resource. The need for determining residual oil saturation (SOR) has existed.SOR is a critical parameter in the evaluation of the potential for the third recovery. There are a number of recognized methods for estimating remaining oil content of reservoirs and these methods have inherent advantages and limitations. One method which was thought to be further developed was the single-well chemical tracer procedure.The method is developed by Deans in later 1960's. The chromatographic effect was first proposed as a way to measure SOR by injecting two tracers dissolved in brine into one well, and producing the brine and tracers from a second well nearby. The first laboratory experiments using a chemical reaction to produce a tracer in-situ in a sand pack containing a refined oil at residual saturation has succeeded and the method was applied in fields in 1968. The technology is proprietary to Exxon Production Research Company in 1971.It was applied widely since 1968. One advantage of the single-well method is the larger amount of reservoir volume that is sampled as compared to other methods.This results in a more effective estimate of the SOR value of the entire reservoir than would be possible by traditional methods.This article review the background,method fields application and further development of the method based on plenty of literature search.Then it look forward to the method's development prospect.