Type and Harm of Bacterial of the Injection Water in Oilfield
摘要: 文章论述了细菌的类型及其特征,讨论了注入水中细菌对油层、管线的危害,并以垦利油田垦-95断块为例,重点讨论了细菌堵塞油层引起油层渗透率下降、吸水能力下降后如何解除堵塞的问题,对油田生产具有一定的指导意义。Abstract: This paper discusses the type and characteristic of bacterial and how it harms oil rservior and pipeline in injection water. Taking the block of K95 in KenLi oilfield as example we centre our discussion on how to remove the question of the bacterial plugging after the bacterial plugging caused the droping of permeability and water absorbing capacity. It will has a guiding significance to the oil production.