The Management of Yangj iaba Oilfield in the Afternoon of Development Life
摘要: 杨家坝油田是 1988年投入开发的老油田。文章通过分析开发形势及存在的问题,针对杨家坝油田开发中后期复杂的地下油水关系,提出综合治理的措施。综合治理的目标是:充分利用现有井网,通过深入的油藏研究,实施油井挖潜措施和注水井科学调配水,达到改善注水效果、充分动用剩余储量等综合治理的目的,以较少的投入换取尽可能多的效益。实践证明,这种综合治理的思路和措施,非常适宜处于开发中后期的杨家坝油田,明显改善了杨家坝低渗透油田的开发效果,取得了较好的经济效益。Abstract: Yangjiaba oilfield which began to product oil in 1988 is a old oilfield now. According to analysis in position and problem of the oilfield, this paper provides a series of measures to improve the development effect in the afternoon of development life. The goal of the management in the afternoon of development life is to improve the injection efficiency and make full use of the remaining oil of the reservoir. The practice of Yangjiaba oilfield during one year proved that the guidelines and measures is very suitable to the oilfield in the afternoon of development life like Yangjiaba oilfield which is a low permeability reservoir, and have made good results.