A Study on Sedimentary Microfacies of the Sha 2 Section in Xia 52 Faulted Block of Linnan Oil Field
摘要: 以岩心和测井分析为基础,通过对夏52断块沙二段Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ砂组的岩石相类型及其组合、沉积韵律、原生沉积构造、测井曲线组合等相标志的研究,确定其为一套三角洲相沉积,其中三角洲平原亚相较为发育,进一步可以划分为三角洲平原分流河道、三角洲平原分流河道间、决口扇及决口水道四种微相类型。以此为基础,进行井间横向对比,编制了不同砂层组的沉积微相平面分布图,揭示了沉积微相演化规律,从而指出了勘探开发的有利相带,为油田的勘探开发提供了重要的地质依据。Abstract: Based on the analysis of core and logging, the type and distribution of sedimentary microfacies of Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ sand formation of the Sha 2 section in Xia 52 faulted block of Linnan oil field were studied. The results show that the Sha 2 section belongs to delta plain deposit. It is further divided into 4 sub-facieses(delta plain distributary channel, inter-channel area, crevasse splay and crevasse channel). Furthermore, on the basis of above analysis, and through the correlation between wells, the plan distribution of sedimentary microfacies of different sand section were mapped, and the evolvement rule of sedimentary microfacies was revealed. These are benefit for guiding oil exploration. The favorable facies belt is delta plain distributary channel.