Pilot Area of Improved Oil Recovery by Artificial Earthquake and Its Effect
摘要: 人工地震采油技术作为三次采油的新技术,以其技术含量高、投入少、产出高、工艺简单、对油层和环境无污染而受到日益广泛的重视。文章通过对人工地震采油的研究,介绍人工地震采油的原理及影响因素,通过实验研究并总结了人工地震采油的适用条件和范围,并具体阐述了人工地震采油的施工工艺。该技术通过在濮城油田开展试验,日增油22t,日增气8000m3,取得了明显的应用效果。对于濮城油田低渗油藏进一步提高采收率奠定了基础。Abstract: Production by artificial earthquake is a new tertiary oil recovery technology because of high technology, less input, high output and simple technology. It pays attention to no pollute to oil layers and environment. By studying on artificial earthquake, the paper introduced theory of artificial earthquake and effect factors. Through experiment, the paper also pointed the adaptable condition and ranges of artificial earthquake. The examination of the technology in Pucheng Oilfield gets good result and daily oil production increased by 3t, and gas increased by 8000m3. The technology is helpful to improve oil recovery in Pucheng Oilfield.