Measuring the Static State Adsorption Isotherm of the Hydrophobically Associating Polymer on Oil Sand in Suizhong Oilfield
摘要: 文章首先论述了固液界面吸附理论,探讨了化学驱中聚合物的吸附损耗机理及影响因素。为了测定聚合物的吸附损耗,建立了聚合物的浓度分析方法,在此基础上,通过静态吸附实验,测定了驱油剂在渤海绥中油层条件下的静态吸附量。在静态吸附实验中,测定了疏水缔合聚合物单一组分溶液在绥中岩心砂上的静态吸附量,作出了4条吸附等温线并对其特征进行分析。实验表明:当聚合物的浓度达到700mg/g,液固比为5 ml/g时接近饱和吸附;聚合物吸附时间为18h时基本达到饱和吸附;聚合物在净砂上的吸附量大于在油砂上的吸附量。Abstract: This paper discussed the theory of adsorption at solid/liquid interfaces and the mechanism and influencing factors of adsorption and retention.Then method of analyzing the concentration of displacement agents was established in order to evaluate the adsorbance. Based on this, we determined the adsorbance of displacement agents on the condition of oil layer in Suizhong oilfield by the experiments of adsorption. In the static adsorption experiment, when the hydrophobically associating polymer was adsorbed by well core sand, their adsorbance was determined. At last, we worked out 4 adsorption curves and analyzed the characteristics of the curves. The experiment shows it is closer to the saturation when the density of the polymer reaches 700mg/g and the solid/liquid ratio is 5 ml/g. The adsorption reaches the saturation when the polymer absorption time is 18h. The absorption amount of the polymer on the net sand is greater than the oil sand.