Development and Indoor Evaluation of ZAY of Anti-high Temperature Polymer Gel Genera Plug up Agents
摘要: 当前研制的堵剂的种类已经很多,但是十分有效的抗高温类的堵剂还是比较少的,也一直是近期技术攻关的重点。基于这点,在抗高温聚合物凝胶类堵剂方面应用常规实验方法做了一些室内试验,室内评价证明堵剂能在中高温(91℃)情况下顺利地进行调剖堵水,而且效果很好。塔里木油田DH1-5-6井开采初期主要靠注水采油,近期由于含水急剧上升导致产量急剧下降,日产油由200t降到67t。在注入堵剂ZAY以后,产量明显升高,日产油提高13%左右。Abstract: Now there are kinds of developmental plug-up agents, but very effective superplastic generic plugup agent is rare, so we put emphasis on it. We apply routine experimental method to do some laboratory test on superplastic polymer gel genera plug-up agent.Laboratory appraisements prove plug-up agent can successfully do injection profile modification plug-up amidst mid-high temperature (91℃), and the effect is so fine. DH1-5-6 well of the Talimu oil field depended on water flood recovery at the initial stage of production, in the near future the water or moisture hoiking resulted in sharp output decline and the daily oil output decreased from 200t to 67t. After inject plug-up agent ZAY, output apparently increase and daily oil output increases by 13%.