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王伟, 卢祥国, 苏延昌, 石志成. 水膨体聚合物性质特征及其影响因素[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(4): 17-22.
引用本文: 王伟, 卢祥国, 苏延昌, 石志成. 水膨体聚合物性质特征及其影响因素[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(4): 17-22.
WANG Wei, LU Xiang-guo, SU Yan-chang, SHI Zhi-cheng. The Property and Influential Factors of Swellable Particulate[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(4): 17-22.
Citation: WANG Wei, LU Xiang-guo, SU Yan-chang, SHI Zhi-cheng. The Property and Influential Factors of Swellable Particulate[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(4): 17-22.


The Property and Influential Factors of Swellable Particulate

  • 摘要: 近年来,为改善水驱和聚合物驱油效果,国内油田在预交联水膨体聚合物调剖技术研究和应用方面开展了卓有成效的工作。针对大庆油田开发的实际需求,笔者对几种预交联水膨体聚合物在不同携带液中的性质特征进行了研究。结果表明,预交联水膨体聚合物化学组成、携带液种类和矿化度是影响预交联水膨体聚合物吸水率、溶胀率和抗剪切能力的主要因素。理论分析表明,在污水携带液中,双电层作用使得预交联水膨体聚合物吸水率和溶胀率减小,抗剪切能力增强。在双电层、预交联水膨体聚合物分子内交联和预交联水膨体聚合物颗粒表面凝胶三重作用下,在Al3+、Cr3+和复合离子交联聚合物凝胶携带液中,预交联水膨体聚合物的吸水率、溶胀率和抗剪切能力得到加强。在聚合物携带液和油中,包裹作用使得预交联水膨体聚合物的吸水率和膨胀率减小,抗剪切能力增强。


    Abstract: Recently, in order to improve the oil displacement effect of water flooding and polymer flooding, there has been unfolded effective work in the research of profile modification technique and application of pre-cross linked swellable particulate in domestic oilfield. Aiming at the physical demand in the development of Daqing oilfield, the authors do some researches on the characteristics of some kinds of pre-cross linked swellable particulate in different carrier fluid by making use of the experimental method indoors. The result shows that the category and salinity of carrier fluid and the chemical composition of pre-cross linked swellable particulate are the main factors that affect water intake rate, swelling rate and anti-shear ability of pre-cross linked swellable particulate. The theoretical analysis shows that because of the effect of electrical double layer, the water intake rate and swelling rate become weaker in the produced water carrier fluid, however, the anti-shear ability become stronger. Under the combined effect of electric double layer, intramolecular cross linking and surface gel of pre-cross linked swellable particulate the water intake rate, swelling rate and anti-shear ability become stronger in the carrier fluid with Al3+, Cr3+ and composite crosslinked polymer. Under the effect of wrap in the polymer fluid and oil, the water intake rate and swelling rate become weaker while the anti-shear ability become stronger.


