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张家震, 毕彩芹, 王新峰, 巩建强, 曹淑敏. 车镇凹陷石油地质特征及勘探远景[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(4): 6-10.
引用本文: 张家震, 毕彩芹, 王新峰, 巩建强, 曹淑敏. 车镇凹陷石油地质特征及勘探远景[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(4): 6-10.
ZHANG Jia-zhen, BI Cai-qin, WANG Xin-feng, GONG Jian-qiang, CAO Shu-min. Petroleum and Oil Geology and Exploratory Prospect of Chezhen Sag[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(4): 6-10.
Citation: ZHANG Jia-zhen, BI Cai-qin, WANG Xin-feng, GONG Jian-qiang, CAO Shu-min. Petroleum and Oil Geology and Exploratory Prospect of Chezhen Sag[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(4): 6-10.


Petroleum and Oil Geology and Exploratory Prospect of Chezhen Sag

  • 摘要: 车镇凹陷是济阳坳陷西北部的一个中、新生代陆相断陷盆地,发育沙四段、沙三段、沙一段三套烃源岩。储集层类型多,除碳酸盐岩、碎屑岩储层外,还发育火成岩、变质岩和泥岩等类型的储层。车镇凹陷具有多套储盖组合、多种圈闭类型、多期聚集成藏、圈闭形成期与油气运聚期匹配较好的特点,油气成藏条件十分有利。车镇凹陷的剩余资源量达4.6×108t以上,具有巨大的勘探潜力,低勘探程度区和新含油气层系是主要勘探方向。


    Abstract: Chezhen sag, located at the northwest of Jiyang Depression, is a Mesozoic and Cenozoic rift basin. Three series of source rocks such as Es4, Es3 and Es1 of Eogene were well developed in this sag. Oil-gas reservoir condition is multiform including carbonatite, clasolite as well as magmatite, metamorphite and fractured mudstone. Chezhen sag has multi-combination of reservoir-cap, multi-type of trap, and multi-period of hydrocarbon migrating and gathering which match with the trap forming, so it has favorable condition to form oil-gas pools.The unexplored petroleum resource of Chezhen sag is over 4.6×108t. Therefore, Chezhen sag has enormous exploration potential. It is considered that the lower exploration area and new oil-bearing series are the major exploratory directions.


