Comprehensive Treatment Technique for Rod String Dropout in Zhoucheng Oilfield
摘要: 在有杆抽油系统中, 抽油杆是其薄弱环节。文章对抽油杆柱断脱的设计方法进行了详细的理论分析, 指出了其中存在的问题。根据洲城油田抽油杆断脱的主要原因, 并采取综合治理的方法, 使洲城油田2003年抽油杆断脱率较2000~2002年降低了10%, 投入产出比1:3。文章还提出了洲城油田下步工作建议。Abstract: In sucker-rod oil pumping system, the sucker rod is its vulnerable spot. The paper gives a detailed analysis of the design method causing rod string dropout and points out its inadequacies. By analyzing main causes of rod string dropout and taking the measure of comprehensive treatment, the rod string dropout rate in Zhoucheng Oilfield was lower about 10% in 2003 than from 2000 to 2002 and the inputoutput ratio was 1:3. The recommendation about anti-dropout of rod string in Zhoucheng Oilfield is also presented in the paper.