Study on the Measure of Precaution against Casing Deformation Well in Shengli Oil Field
摘要: 胜利油田自二十世纪七十年代初全面投入开发以来, 截止到2002年底, 已累计油水井套变井为2539口, 严重制约了油田的发展。套变类型主要有两大类:一是套管变形, 二是套管破裂损坏。其套变机理主要是岩层滑移、泥岩吸水蠕变, 造成非均匀应力作用套管, 使套管产生变型或损坏。针对套变套损原因制定了相应的预防措施, 一是防止外挤力超过套管屈服强度, 二是提高套管强度。近两年来, 通过对560口油水井应用了上述措施, 油井套变率小于1.5%, 水井套变率小于5%, 取得了明显的防套变效果。Abstract: The total number of casing deformation wells in Shengli oil field has reached 2539 at the end of 2002 since Shengli oil field entered into comprehensive production in 1970, which greatly restricted its development. The casing deformation types mainly include casing deformation and casing breakage. The casing deformation mechanism includes bed glide and mudstone creepage which cause casing deformation or breakage under uneven ground stress. Aiming at the cause of casing deformation and breakage, the correspondingly preventive action was made.One is to prevent extraneous force from exceeding casing yield strength, the other is to augment casing strength. Obvious anti-deformation effect is obtained with the application of actions.