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钱亚林. 种类繁多的世界海洋油气生产系统[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(2): 86-92.
引用本文: 钱亚林. 种类繁多的世界海洋油气生产系统[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(2): 86-92.
QIAN Ya-lin. Various World Offshore Oil & Gas Production Systems[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(2): 86-92.
Citation: QIAN Ya-lin. Various World Offshore Oil & Gas Production Systems[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(2): 86-92.


Various World Offshore Oil & Gas Production Systems

  • 摘要: 海洋油气开发越来越受到世界各国的重视, 其占世界能源总产量的比重也在逐年提高, 在近十年发现的大型油气田中, 海洋领域约占60%, 海洋石油勘探开发已被纳入世界各大石油公司的重要发展战略。但是海上油气田开发具有高投入、高风险、高科技、高收益等特点, 因此, 合适的生产设施和生产技术是减少海上油气生产投入的重要部分。为此, 世界各大石油公司研制开发了适合不同海域、不同海况和不同产量的海上生产系统。尤其是近年来, 在固定式导管架生产系统占主导地位的基础上, 研制开发了具有广阔前景的浮式生产系统, 不仅能适应深水、超深水油气生产, 同时也能适应浅水生产的需要。


    Abstract: The world has attached more and more importance to the offshore oil gas production, and the total production raised quickly. The large oil field have been found in ten years nearly account for 60% on offshore. Offshore oil gas exploration and development have become part of the strategic development of all oil companies in the world. Offshore production is characteristic of high investment, high risk, high technology and high benefit. Therefore adapted development system and technology is important to reduce investment of offshore production. Now the world large companies have developed kinds of development system to adapt to different ocean, different offshore condition and different output. Especially in the last few years, floating production system has been, which not only adapted to deep water production, but also adapted to shallow water production.


