The Method of Judging the Stability of Submarine Oil Pipeline and the Analysis Examples
摘要: 文章从海底输油管道在铺设过程中极限工况时的受力状况着手, 建立海底管道的受力状态模型, 从横向坐底稳定性分析、垂向稳定性分析和在位强度分析三个方面阐述了如何对海底输油管道的稳定性进行分析, 并以宁波岙山到册子岛的岑港水道段海底原油管道稳定性计算为例进行了计算, 对该段输油管道在选定路由和管道参数条件下的稳定性作出了判定。Abstract: This article introduces how to analyze the stability of the submarine pipelines under extreme work condition and set up the model of submarine pipelines under stress from diatropic stability, vertical stability and working intensity. The paper takes the offshore pipeline from Aoshan of Ningbo to Chizi island for example and makes a judgement for the pipeline working at this area and selected parameters.