A New Method of Multi-rate Well Testing
摘要: 多级变流量试井可以减少井筒储存效应, 缩短测试时间, 节省成本, 使试井与生产的矛盾在一定程度上得以缓解。但是其常用相应的解释方法却只适用于多级变流量压恢试井资料。因此文章根据叠加原理介绍一种既适于压恢又适于压降的压力函数--变流量的叠加等效时间函数, 并将其与变流量的叠加时间函数形式相对比, 证明了两者之间的统一性, 最后以实例验证。Abstract: The multi-rate variable well testing can weaken wellbore storage, shorten test time and economize the cost of test, and the contradiction between test and production is also solved to some degree. However, the corresponding interpretation method can only interpret the build up test data. In the paper a kind of pressure function (variable rate superposition equivalent time function) is introduced according to the superposition theory. The method adapts to the interpretation of the draw down and build up data. The oneness of the method between the superposition time function of variable flow rate is testified. At last the paper takes practical data for example.