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崔太华, 刘海涛, 冯士杰, 辛松, 李少兵, 高万州. 桥口油田非均质复杂断块油田提高采收率技术研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(2): 39-43.
引用本文: 崔太华, 刘海涛, 冯士杰, 辛松, 李少兵, 高万州. 桥口油田非均质复杂断块油田提高采收率技术研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(2): 39-43.
CUI Tai-hua, LIU Hai-tao, FENG Shi-jie, XIN Song, LI Shao-bing, GAO Wan-zhou. Research & Application on Oil Recovery Technology in Heterogeneous Oil Reservoir of Complicated Fault Block[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(2): 39-43.
Citation: CUI Tai-hua, LIU Hai-tao, FENG Shi-jie, XIN Song, LI Shao-bing, GAO Wan-zhou. Research & Application on Oil Recovery Technology in Heterogeneous Oil Reservoir of Complicated Fault Block[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(2): 39-43.


Research & Application on Oil Recovery Technology in Heterogeneous Oil Reservoir of Complicated Fault Block

  • 摘要: 桥口油田位于东濮凹陷的中部, 属典型的非均质油藏, 由于油藏平面及纵向上非均质严重, 低渗层水驱动用难度大, 油田因高速开发过早进入中高含水期, 开发水平变差, 水驱采收率偏低。针对油田非均质严重, 水驱采收率偏低的开发现状, 研究应用了适合油田特点提高采收率技术, 平面上利用大位移定向井技术, 部署调整井, 降低油藏平面非均质性;纵向采取以堵水、储层压裂改造为主的产液结构调整及以分注、增注注水结构调整相结合, 降低油藏纵向非均质性, 实现层间转移。通过实施, 使油藏平面、层间矛盾逐步缓解, 油田采收率得到提高, 为同类油藏提高采收率提供了可借鉴的经验。


    Abstract: Qiaokou Oilfield locates at the center of Dongpu sag, and is attributed to the typical heterogeneous oil reservoir.Because of a serious areal and vertical heterogeneity and difficulties of water drive in low-permeability layers, Qiaokou Oilfield enters in the high water-containing period too early and water drive oill recovery factor is low. Aiming at the serious heterogeneity and low oil recovery factor, utilize large displacement directional well technology to dispose adjusting wells on the plane to solve serious areal heterogeneity; combine the adjustment of liquid production system (mainly through water plugging and reserve fracture reconstruction) with the adjustment of water injection stucture to reduce vertical heterogeneity and realize shifts among layers. The implementation shows that contradiction between oil reservoir planes and layers alleviate progressively and oil recovery factor rises. It also offers experience to improve the oil recovery factor in the similar oilfields.


