Geological Appliance of Log Data of High-Precision Water Holdup Tool in Tuha Oilfield
摘要: 在油田的开发过程中, 抽油机井的产液剖面一般采用过流式集流方式测试储层的液量和含水情况, 但是在高含水井测井中, 由于过流式持水率仪器受电容探头性能的限制, 对高含水流体响应灵敏度较低。高精度持水率仪通过改过流式探测方式为变取样式探测方式, 提高了持水率仪器测试精度。测井资料在吐哈油田的地质应用情况表明该持水率仪在高含水井测井找水方面效果显著。Abstract: In the cause of development of oil field, the produced fluids profile of oil pump well usually adopts through-liquid packer-type to measure the quantity of oil and water reservoir, but the sensitivity of high water response is very low, for the water holdup tool of through-liquid is always limited by ability of capacitance in logging high water well. High-precision water holdup tool increases measurement precision by improving its configuration from through-liquid detected mode to sampling detected mode. The geology appliance of log data in Tuha Oilfield indicates that the water holdup tool takes distinct effect in aspect of high water log.