A Study on Oil/Gas Well Damage Identification and Diagnosis
摘要: 在油气井酸化作业之前, 准确识别储层伤害的类型、范围和程度, 对于明确待处理任务, 增强酸化设计的针对性, 确定酸化处理规模, 优选施工参数和提高设计的优化程度有着极其重要的意义。文章通过对导致油气井储层伤害的各种伤害类型的预测模型和诊断模型的分析和研究, 编制了储层伤害识别诊断软件。在现场应用时的伤害识别诊断结果与实测结果符合率达90%以上, 为酸化施工参数的确定提供了依据。Abstract: Before the acid treatment of the damaged wells, identification and diagnosis of the damage on gas/oil well is of great significance in such aspects as the determination of the treatment scale, optimizing the treatment parameters, bettering the plan of treatment design and so on. By analysis and study of various damage-inducing factors, a program of identifying and diagnosing damage is introduced in this paper which incorporates predicting and diagnosing models of 6 types of damage, and the field application of which yields satisfying results.