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胡渤, 孙志信, 史军. 叠前深度偏移技术在埕北30潜山的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(1): 28-31.
引用本文: 胡渤, 孙志信, 史军. 叠前深度偏移技术在埕北30潜山的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(1): 28-31.
HU Bo, SUN Zhi-xin, SHI Jun. Application of Prestack Depth Migration in Chengbei 30 Area[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(1): 28-31.
Citation: HU Bo, SUN Zhi-xin, SHI Jun. Application of Prestack Depth Migration in Chengbei 30 Area[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(1): 28-31.


Application of Prestack Depth Migration in Chengbei 30 Area

  • 摘要: 埕北30潜山位于胜利探区海上埕岛油田主体的东部, 古生界和太古宇为其主要目的层系。经历多期构造运动的改造, 潜山内幕构造非常复杂, 利用常规地震资料难以准确成像。文章应用叠前深度偏移技术对埕北30潜山地震资料进行处理。处理过程中综合地质、VSP测井等资料, 建立准确的速度模型。针对不同目的层段分别提取子波, 制作合成记录, 精确标定层位, 并且根据地质综合分析, 确定断点组合特征, 进行准确构造解释。应用于埕北30潜山勘探开发, 取得良好的效果。


    Abstract: The Chengbei 30 buried hill locates in the east of the major part of Chengdao oil field in Shengli exploration area in which Paleozoic and Archaean formation are the two main formation of interest. Because the buried hill strata have experienced structural movement in different geologic period, the faults cut and intersected together which resulted in very complicated internal structure. These cause ordinary seismic section unable to image the buried hill strata correctly. Based on the comprehensive geologic research and VSP log data, an accurate model of velocity has been established with the prestack depth migration technology. Wavelet is extracted from different formations of interest, sy nthetic seismogram is made, formations are demarcate accurately, and the faults of various scale and directions are fitted together based on the comprehensive geologic research. Finally, the character of structure is made clear through fine interpretation. Application of the method in the ex plo ration and exploitation of Chengdao area shows good result.


