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毛治国, 胡望水, 余忠祥, 官大勇, 张文军. 柴达木盆地西部构造样式及叠合关系[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(1): 17-22.
引用本文: 毛治国, 胡望水, 余忠祥, 官大勇, 张文军. 柴达木盆地西部构造样式及叠合关系[J]. 海洋石油, 2005, 25(1): 17-22.
MAO Zhi-guo, HU Wang-shui, YU Zhong-xiang, GUAN Da-yong, ZHANG Wen-jun. Structural Styles and Their Superposition Relations in the West of Qaidam Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(1): 17-22.
Citation: MAO Zhi-guo, HU Wang-shui, YU Zhong-xiang, GUAN Da-yong, ZHANG Wen-jun. Structural Styles and Their Superposition Relations in the West of Qaidam Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2005, 25(1): 17-22.


Structural Styles and Their Superposition Relations in the West of Qaidam Basin

  • 摘要: 柴达木盆地经历了多期构造变形。逆冲和走滑断裂活动、褶皱作用和区域性升降作用互相交织, 彼此影响, 造就了现今盆地西部地区复杂的变形格局, 形成了多种类型的构造样式。首先根据基底卷入程度划分出基底卷入型和盖层滑脱型两种样式, 进一步根据其变形划分出7个类型。在燕山早期伸展构造的基础上, 在喜山期多幕构造运动作用下, 新生代构造样式发生多期次的叠加。在该地区发育有五种构造叠加型式。


    Abstract: Qaidam Basin undergoes multi-period tectonic deform ation. Obduction and strike-slip faulted movement and folding and regional elevation and subsidence intersect and affect each other, it becomes complicated deformation pattern and forms many types of structural styles in the west area of Qaidam Basin. According to the degree of basement involved, it is classified to basement-involved type and capping-sliding type, and then classified to seven styles according to deformation. On the basis of extensional rift during early period of Yanshan movement, because of series of tectonic movement, the Cenozoic structural styles undergo multi-period superposition and develop five types of tectonic superposition relation in the west area of Qaidam Basin.


