Analyzing usable fluid volume and proposal of accumulator bottles
摘要: 防喷器及其控制系统是石油钻井作业中必不可缺少的设备,而储能瓶又是防喷器控制系统的重要设备,因此对储能瓶可用液量进行分析变得相当重要。介绍了与储能瓶密切相关的常识、概念和储能瓶的工作原理,并利用函数曲线直观详细地分析了地面储能瓶和水下储能瓶可用液量与其内氮气压力之间的关系,并给出可操作性强的使用建议。Abstract: Blowout Preventer (BOP) and BOP control system is indispensable equipment in the drilling performance, and accumulator bottles are very important part of BOP control system. So analyzing usable fluid volume of accumulator bottles becomes fairly significant. This paper analyzes the relations between usable fluid volume and the nitrogen precharge pressure of accumulator bottles in detail, and puts forward some relevant proposals.