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贾天泽, 熊钰, 刘沣东, 袁迎中, 冯良, 张智强. 含水汽凝析气体系相态特征研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2006, 26(4): 56-61.
引用本文: 贾天泽, 熊钰, 刘沣东, 袁迎中, 冯良, 张智强. 含水汽凝析气体系相态特征研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2006, 26(4): 56-61.
Jia Tianze, Xiong Yu, Liu Fengdong, Yuan Yingzhong, Feng Liang, Zhang Zhiqiang. Research on the phase state of the gas-condensate system with water vapour[J]. Offshore oil, 2006, 26(4): 56-61.
Citation: Jia Tianze, Xiong Yu, Liu Fengdong, Yuan Yingzhong, Feng Liang, Zhang Zhiqiang. Research on the phase state of the gas-condensate system with water vapour[J]. Offshore oil, 2006, 26(4): 56-61.


Research on the phase state of the gas-condensate system with water vapour

  • 摘要: 凝析气藏中的水汽对凝析气体系相态变化有重大影响。在对某含水汽凝析气体系相态实验分析的基础上,分析了水汽对凝析油气相态的影响,总结了含水汽凝析气体系的相态特征。水汽存在时相包络线所围面积增大,反凝析区面积增大,初始凝析压力增大;水的极性很强,会加快凝析油的挥发;在恒质膨胀与定容衰竭中含水汽凝析气体系和普通凝析气体系的反凝析液量与压力曲线会出现交点。普通凝析气体系和含水汽凝析气体系的相态特征有很大差异。同温度压力条件下,含水时的偏差系数总是小于不含水时的偏差系数值,随着压力的下降,含水时天然气采出率,凝析油累积采出率,井流物重质含量和闪蒸汽中重质含量都大于不含水时的采出量值。


    Abstract: Water vapour in gas condensate reservoir has effect on the phase state of the gas condensate system. On the basis of phase state experimental analysis on the gas condensate system with water vapour, we analyze how water vapour has effect on the phase state of the gas-condensate system and summarize the phase behavior of the gas-condensate system with water vapour. If water vapour occurs in the gas- condensate system, the pressure-temperature figure area increases, the retrograde condensate area increases and initial retrograde condensate pressure increases in the phase diagram; serious polarity of the water vapour will accelerates condensate oil volatilization; the retrograde condensate-pressure figure of the gas- condensate system with water vapour and without water vapour will across each other in the constant composition expansion diagram and the constant volume depletion diagram. The phase state of the gas- condensate system with water vapour is different from that without water. Gas deviation factor of the gas- condensate system with water vapour is smaller than that without water vapour at the same pressure and temperature. Gas recovery coefficient, condensate oil recovery factor, heavy component content in well fluid and flash vapour of the gas-condensate system with water vapour is bigger than those of the gas- condensate system without water vapour.


