Application of fracture sand control in Chengdao Oiifieid
摘要: 针对埕岛油田馆陶组油层特点和开发后期出砂严重的实际,依据压裂防砂机理,利用新引进的撬装泵和研制的TSOP压裂充填等工具,在海上压裂防砂取得了成功;现场应用效果较好,拓宽了埕岛油田馆陶组防砂工艺。Abstract: Aiming at the characters of Guantao formation of Chengdao Oilfield and the fact of serious sand production and using new introduced prizing load pump and TSOP frac and packed tool to fracture sand control and obtain success. Through application of the working processes in site, we get good results and extend the use of sand control technology of Guantao formation of Chengdao oilfield.