Study on identifiable standard of the deep oil-gas layer in Qiaodubai region
摘要: 东濮凹陷油气勘探已进入中后期,浅层油气已基本探明,勘探方向逐步向深层转移。但由于深层地质条件复杂,油气层埋深大,储层以低孔、低渗为主,油气勘探难度较大,特别是深层油气识别,受资料丰度和资料品质等因素影响,使深层油气层识别难度更大,制约着深层油气的勘探进程。通过以杜桥白地区为典型,将传统的"四性"标准判别法与气测参数综合使用,对深层油气识别标准进行研究,在生产应用中取得了良好效果。Abstract: Oil-gas exploration in Dongpu Sag has entered into middle-late period, shallow oil-gas has been basically proved and exploration direction transfers to the deep layer. But because of complex geological conditions, depth of the reservoir, low-porosity and low-permeability, oil-gas exploration is rather difficult, especially in tems of deep oil-gas identification, information quality, it's more difficult to identify the deeper oil-gas layer and constrain the deep oil-gas exploration process. This article takes Qiaodubai region as a model, the traditional "four property" method and standard identification integrated with gas measuring parameters are used to identify the deeper oil-gas, and achieve good results.