Study on the faults sealing properties of Shigang fault zone in Jinhu Depression
摘要: 石港断裂带为受郯庐断裂走滑影响而形成的,通过对石港断裂带内已成藏块油藏解剖,分析了石港断裂带断层封闭性。分析认为石港断裂带内受走滑断层控制,且断面泥岩涂抹系数<2的圈闭侧向封挡条件较好,易成藏;反之,则不易成藏。Abstract: Shigang fault zone was formed by strike-slip fault of Tanlu fault. Through dissecting the hydrocarbon reservoir of Shigang fault zone, we analyze fault sealing properties that the Shigang fault zone was controlled by strike-slip fault, and if fault surface SSF〈2, oil accumulates easier, otherwise oil accumulates more difficult.