Migration characteristics and comprehensive development of inorganic CO2 reservoir in Ying-Qiong Basin of the South China Sea
摘要: 南海北部莺-琼盆地壳源型、壳幔混合型及火山幔源型三类非生物(无机)成因CO2资源丰富,根据目前勘探及研究程度,其CO2资源量逾万亿立方米,勘探所获地质储量近3000×108m3,居全国之首,故具有颇大的资源潜力与综合开发利用前景。但CO2具明显的多重性,其不仅能广泛应用于国民经济及工农业生产中,且是导致"厄尔尼诺"现象、严重影响自然环境、破坏生态平衡的主要温室气体,因此,如何综合开发利用好这种储量规模巨大的CO2资源,充分发挥其市场经济价值,促进国家经济建设,为工农业生产的高速发展及企业的快速腾飞服务,是该区目前天然气勘探开发所面临的迫在眉睫、势在必行的重大科技攻关课题,应该引起国家有关部门及中海油的高度重视与关注!Abstract: Based on current exploration and study, about 1 000 ×108m3 CO2 and 3 000 ×108m3 reserves are explored respectively in Ying-Qiong Basin and it has great potential and comprehensive utilization perspective. Because of the multiplicity of CO2, CO2 is the main gas resulting in ELNINO and affecting directly the global environment and natural ecologic equilibrium. Therefore, how to utilize a huge CO2 reservoir and to bring its market potential into full play is an urgent scientific and technological problem to tackle. CNOOC should put emphasis on the above problems.