Matching filter applied in data processing of Weixi wellsite survey
摘要: 在海洋地震资料处理中经常遇到利用不同时期和不同采集方式的资料进行相关处理的问题,其目的是为了使最终的处理成果具有统一的地震特征。利用涠西井场调查中分别采集的3D地震数据与高分辨率的2D地震数据,通过匹配滤波方法,使野外品质各异的数据经处理达到相对一致的频率相位及振幅特征,满足海上井场调查所需要的高分辨率资料处理要求。Abstract: Using the data collected in different period and by different method is very popular in seismic data processing of oceanology. The paper describes an integrated set of processes which using matching filter to merge 3D data and 2D data of Weixi wellsite survey. Desired results have been achieved by applying this method to data processing. It shows that the matching filter method is proper for achieving high resolution processing for seismic data.