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徐佑德, 柳忠泉, 许世红, 周桂芹, 周道华. 厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地16区块油气地质及勘探潜力[J]. 海洋石油, 2006, 26(3): 25-30.
引用本文: 徐佑德, 柳忠泉, 许世红, 周桂芹, 周道华. 厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地16区块油气地质及勘探潜力[J]. 海洋石油, 2006, 26(3): 25-30.
Xu Youde, Liu Zhongquan, Xu Shihong, Zhou Guiqin, Zhou Daohua. Analysis on petroleum geology and exploration potential in Block 16 of Oriente Basin, Ecuador[J]. Offshore oil, 2006, 26(3): 25-30.
Citation: Xu Youde, Liu Zhongquan, Xu Shihong, Zhou Guiqin, Zhou Daohua. Analysis on petroleum geology and exploration potential in Block 16 of Oriente Basin, Ecuador[J]. Offshore oil, 2006, 26(3): 25-30.


Analysis on petroleum geology and exploration potential in Block 16 of Oriente Basin, Ecuador

  • 摘要: 厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地是南美安第斯山前的一个前陆盆地,是厄瓜多尔的主要产油区。通过对Oriente盆地16区块的油气地质条件的系统分析,认为16区块烃源条件较好、储集条件优越、生储盖组合有利,具有较大的勘探潜力。晚白垩世末-古近纪时期形成的低幅(断)背斜、岩性-背斜构造是区内有利的勘探目标,并指出区块东部应以白垩系Napo组的M1、U砂岩为主要目的层系,西部应以M1、T砂岩和Hollin组砂岩为主要目的层系。


    Abstract: Oriente Basin, located in front of the Andes, is a foreland basin in Ecuador, and it is the main oil-output region of Ecuador. By comprehensive analysis on the petroleum geological conditions, this paper considers that Block 16 in Oriente Basin is of great petroleum exploration potential with fair hydrocarbon source, good-quality reservoirs and advantageous source-reservoir-cap rocks combination condition. The low-amplitude (fault) anticlines and lithologic-anticline composite traps are favorable targets in Block 16, and the M1, U sandstones of Napo Formation should be paid more attention in east of Block 16, and so does M1, T sandstones in west of Block 16.


