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孔枫, 刘玉明, 王伟, 卢祥国. 涠洲11-4油藏聚合物驱聚合物性能评价及优选[J]. 海洋石油, 2006, 26(1): 75-80.
引用本文: 孔枫, 刘玉明, 王伟, 卢祥国. 涠洲11-4油藏聚合物驱聚合物性能评价及优选[J]. 海洋石油, 2006, 26(1): 75-80.
Kong Feng, Liu Yuming, Wang Wei, Lu Xiangguo. The polymer performance evaluation and optimization of polymer flooding in the Weizhou 11-4 reservoir[J]. Offshore oil, 2006, 26(1): 75-80.
Citation: Kong Feng, Liu Yuming, Wang Wei, Lu Xiangguo. The polymer performance evaluation and optimization of polymer flooding in the Weizhou 11-4 reservoir[J]. Offshore oil, 2006, 26(1): 75-80.


The polymer performance evaluation and optimization of polymer flooding in the Weizhou 11-4 reservoir

  • 摘要: 针对涠洲11-4油藏温度和流体性质特征,通过收集国内外现有高性能抗盐和耐高温聚合物产品,对聚合物溶液的增粘性、稳定性、耐温性、抗盐性和抗剪切特性、阻力系数和残余阻力系数等进行了测试,并引入模糊综合评判方法,借以对不同品质聚合物溶液改善流度比或扩大波及体积能力做出全面和客观评价。实践证明,模糊综合评判是进行聚合物溶液优选的-种简洁和有效方法。通过对实验结果综合分析表明,在初选的几种聚合物中,"法国SNF"在综合评价中性能居优。


    Abstract: Aiming at the reservoir temperature resistance and the liquid property and characteristic, we do some tests into the viscosifying characteristics, the stability, temperature resistance, salinity resistance and shear resistance, resistance coefficient and residual resistance coefficient of polymer solution by collecting high performance products in temperature resistance and salinity resistance both here and aboard. And we introduce the method of fuzzy comprehensive judgment and make a comprehensive and objective evaluation on the ability of improving mobility ratio and enlarging sweepage efficiency of different polymer solution. It has been proved in practice that fuzzy comprehensive judgment is an easy and effective method in optimization choice of polymer solution. Comprehensive analysis of experiment results shows that the property of the French polymer SNF is superior in overall evaluation.


