Braided delta deposit of Es210 in Haojia-Shinan area in Dongying Depression
摘要: 提出了东营凹陷郝家-史南地区沙河街组第二段第10砂层组为辫状河三角洲沉积而非浊积扇的新观点,并列举了8条主要依据。对沉积相、亚相、微相类型与特征进行了论述,图文配合对沉积相展布作了说明,并阐明了此期的沉积演化特征。Abstract: The article brings forward a new viewpoint that the Es210 develops braided delta deposit and doesn't develop turbidite fan in Haojia-Shinan area in Dongying Depression, and enumerates 8 primary gists. It also discusses the types and characters of sedimentary facies, subfacies, and microfacies, and then expounds the distribution of sedimentary facies by charts and letters. At last the evolutional characters of deposition is represented.