Prognosis of the reservoir formation model and typical hydrocarbon reservoir of Upper Cretaceous in Subei Basin
摘要: 苏北盆地上白垩统是区内主要的中生界地层,具有重要的战略勘探意义,目前在苏北盆地已经发现的白垩系油气藏中,主要存在着"古生新储"、"新生古储"两种成藏模式,典型代表为陈堡油田和朱家墩气田。文章从两个典型白垩系油气藏的解剖入手,对"古生新储"和"新生古储"两种成藏模式进行了分析,并对上白垩统主要勘探层系——浦口组"自生自储"型成藏模式进行了预测,在分析预测的基础上,对三种不同成藏模式的要素进行了对比分析,认为"古生新储"成藏模式是下步勘探中的主要方向。Abstract: Upper Cretaceous is the main formation of Mesozoic and plays an important role in oil and gas exploration in Subei Basin. Two reservoir formation models have been found in Subei Basin:one is "old-generating and new-accumulating" and another is "new-generating and old-accumulating", and the typical fields are Chenbao Oilfield (of the latter model) and Zhujiadun Gasfield (of the former model). This article discusses these two reservoir formation models and gives a prognosis of Cretaceous "self-generating and self-accumulating" model according to the analysis of two Cretaceous reservoirs. In the meantime, the paper analyzes the exploration factors of three models, and gives the opinion that the "old-generating and new-accumulating" model is the most important target in the future.