Indoor research of new shield temporary plugging drilling fluid in low-permeability oilfields
摘要: 针对X油田G区块储层渗透率差异系数大、低孔、低渗、强水锁效应的特点,通过试验优化出了适应本区特点的新型屏蔽暂堵钻井液,并与原用的PHP-CMC饱和盐水钻井液体系进行了室内岩心伤害分析。结果表明此新型屏蔽暂堵钻井液体系明显优于原用的PHP-CMC饱和盐水钻井液体系,对该区块岩心起了很好的保护作用。Abstract: Aiming at water-sensitive and water-locking reservoir with low pressure, low porosity, and low permeability, based on core damage evaluating experiments, we optimized a kind of new shield temporary plugging drilling fluid which is suitable to drilling in low-permeability and water-sensitive reservoirs and can protect cores against damaging effectively.