Study of ultimate temperature in low temperature transportation of water cut oil
摘要: 随着我国大多数油田进入高含水期,油田地面集输管路中含水原油的含水率增加很快,为了降低集输成本,研究含水原油的低温集输温度显得尤为重要。通过对大庆油田的现场含水原油在不同管径、不同流量和加入不同浓度流动改进剂的对照实验研究,结果表明,减少流量、增大管径和加入流动改进剂可降低含水原油集输的温度。其中,加入流动改进剂后可将输油极限温度下降5℃左右,效果显著,可更好的起到节能降耗的作用,在集输管网中有着良好的运用前景。Abstract: In company with the increase of water content, water percentage in pipeline network can reach 90%. Experiment was made in order to research into the influencing factors of the ultimate temperature of low temperature transportation. In this paper, by means of contrasting the data from the experiment, we know that reducing flux rate, increasing pipe diameter and concentration of flow improver can reduce the ultimate temperature. The effect of adding flow improver is the most remarkable, which can be operated easily, so it has a bright application future.