Research on depressurization and augmented injection of petroleum sulfonate
摘要: 针对低渗区块注水困难的状况,在室内开展了石油磺酸盐的溶解性、表面张力变化及岩心试验,检验石油磺酸盐的降压增注效果,并对添加石油磺酸盐是否对注水井造成损害进行了结垢趋势和腐蚀试验。结果表明低浓度石油磺酸盐可降低污水的表面张力,具有降压增注的功效,并且可以起到一定的缓蚀作用。Abstract: It's difficult to inject water in low-permeability zone, and a set of tests about petroleum sulfonate such as solvability, surface tension variety and core test were carried out to examine its effects on depressur-ization and augmented injection. Also scaling and corrosion experiments were developed to test whether wa-ter wells were damaged when added petroleum sulfonate. The results showed that the petroleum sulfonate with low concentration is helpful for depressurization and augmented injection since it can reduce surface tension of sewage, and it also has some corrosion control effect.