The plugging performance evaluation of a new silica gel agent
摘要: 针对孤岛油田中二北馆5单元含水大幅度上升,开展了模拟该单元地层条件下的室内实验研究。单管岩心封堵实验结果表明:LB-01液体堵剂对高、中、低渗岩心均具有良好封堵性能和残余阻力系数RRF,对注入参数进行了评价,发现随注入段塞的增加、注入浓度的增大,封堵性能逐渐增强,小段塞高浓度堵剂的封堵率和耐冲刷能力更强;通过双管并联岩心分流实验,发现低渗岩心分流率从封堵前的10%左右上升到70%,说明该堵剂具有良好的分流能力。Abstract: In view of water cut increases dramatically in Zhongerbei Ng5 unit in Gudao Oilfield, the reservoir conditions of this unit was simulated. The result obtained by means of single core flow experiment indicated that the favorable sealing characteristics and residual resistance factor were gained in high,middle, and low permeability core with the new silica gel plugging agent. The injection parameter was acquired from various slug sizes and concentration, and the laboratory result indicates that the sealing characteristic is gradually increased with aggrandizement of slug size and concentration. At the same time, stiffness of the plugging agent formed by small slug size and high concentration is stronger than that of big slug size and low concentration in the sealing characteristics and flushing resistance capability. Laboratory test conducted in a parallel core flow apparatus showed that the fractional flow rate of low permeability core increased from 10%to 70%, the result demonstrated that the plugging agent improved diffluent capability.