Adjusting scheme of well pattern thickening and achievements for Wenxi No. 6 block in Shanshan Oilfield
摘要: 在以往油藏和地质认识的基础上,结合沉积微相研究成果,通过油藏、地质、数模、测井等多学科协作攻关,揭示了鄯善油田温西六区块开发存在的主要问题,对地质特征进行了再认识,运用动态生产资料及各种监测资料,动静态结合,研究了目前井网适应性,论证了井网加密的必要性、可行性,确定了井网加密的总体思路、调整对象及目标,编制了三套加密调整方案并进行了开发指标预测,通过技术、经济指标对比优选,推荐了实施方案,经现场实施,取得了较好开发效果。Abstract: The main developing problems in Wenxi No.6 block in Shanshan Oilfield have been analyzed by the studies of reservoir description, geology, digital model as well as logging, according to the research achievements of the reservoir description and geology studied with the deposition micro-faces achievements. The necessity and possibility have been proved with restudying the geology, dynamic production data, various monitoring information, and combining static and dynamic data in current well pattern. How to carry out the total project and adjust object and target have been confirmed. Three sets of the well pattern thickening adjustment schemes have been worked out and development index has been predicted. The good de-velopment effect in site has been achieved by the selected plan through the balance and optimization both in technical and economic index.