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胡忠前, 马喜平, 何川, 王红, 杜剑. 国外低伤害压裂液体系研究新进展[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(3): 93-97.
引用本文: 胡忠前, 马喜平, 何川, 王红, 杜剑. 国外低伤害压裂液体系研究新进展[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(3): 93-97.
Hu Zhongqian, Ma Xiping, He Chuan, Wang Hong, Du Jian. The latest development of foreign low-damage fracturing fluids systems[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(3): 93-97.
Citation: Hu Zhongqian, Ma Xiping, He Chuan, Wang Hong, Du Jian. The latest development of foreign low-damage fracturing fluids systems[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(3): 93-97.


The latest development of foreign low-damage fracturing fluids systems

  • 摘要: 针对目前国内广泛使用的胍胶系列水基压裂液地层伤害大的缺点,说明了发展低伤害压裂液的必要性。系统介绍了国外Schlumberger公司、Halliburton服务公司、Baker Hughes公司和BJ服务公司目前低伤害压裂液发展和应用概况,其耐温能力、较低的伤害、种类齐全、对各种储层的适应性是国内压裂液无法比拟的;重点介绍了清洁压裂液、Fiber-FRAC*压裂液技术、疏水缔合聚合物/黏弹性表面活性剂复合压裂液和低分子量压裂液技术等压裂液体系,这对国内低渗低压储层和海上油气田的增产有重要借鉴意义。今后,国内压裂液将主要朝着地层伤害小、抗高温、地层适应性强、环境友好的方向发展。


    Abstract: At present, the water base fracturing fluids with guar and its derivatives such as gelling agents have the problem of damaging formation, so the development and application of lower damage fracturing fluids are necessary. This paper reviews the current general situation of low-damage fracturing fluids systems of four foreign oilfield service corporations: Schlumberger company, Halliburton service company, Baker Hughes company and BJ services company. Their excellent properties of foreign low-damage fracturing fluid such as temperature resistant, low potential damage, varieties available, reservoir adaptability are unique. During which four kinds of fracturing fluids such as clean fracturing fluids, FiberFRAC* fracturing fluids techonolgy, hydrophobic associating polymer/viscoelastic surfactant complex fracturing fluids and low-molecular weight fracturing fluids are emphasized, and it will be of guiding significance for the stimulation of domestic reservoir with low pressure, and low permeability offshore oil/gas field. From now on, the development trend of domestic fracturing fluids is to exploit the ones with properities of low or zero formation damage, high-temperature resistance, good reservoir adaptability, and environment friendly.


