Analysis of the mesozoic-cenozoic subsidence history in Chepaizi Area, Junggar Basin
摘要: 选取准噶尔盆地车排子地区典型剖面, 运用EBM系统对该区进行了沉降史模拟。结果显示车排子地区沉降受 控于车排子凸起, 白垩系和古近系的沉降中心位于研究区的东部和南部。随着车排子凸起逐渐趋于平缓, 沉降中心主要集中于南部地区。进一步研究表明, 车排子地区的沉降受三幕逆冲挤压作用的控制, 每一幕的沉降速率都由高逐渐降低, 反映了应力从挤压到松弛。分析显示沉降中心与构造作用也制约着层序的样式, 同时提出了类前陆盆地前隆-隆后斜坡带的二元体系域结构是车排子地区的主要层序构成样式。Abstract: Based on the typical seismic profiles of Chepaizi area, its subsidence history has been analysed by the EBM basin modelling system. The results indicate that the subsidence of Chepaizi area was controlled by Chepaizi uplift, and the centers of subsidence were in the east and south parts of the research area in Mesozoic-Cenozoic period. With the activity of Chepaizi uplift calming down, the subsidence centers trans-ferred and mainly distributed in the south. The further researches indicate that three episodes of overthrust-ing and compression controlled the subsidence of Chepaizi area. The subsidence rate evolved from high to low during each episode, which reflected the relaxation of tectonic compression stress. Based on the analysis, it indicates that both of the subsidence centers and tectonic movements controlled the sequencestratigraphic pattern, and the binary system tracts which grow in forebulge and back-bulge unit of foreland basin are the dominant sequence-strati-graphie patterns in Chepaizi area.