The influence of retrograde condensate on productivity of condensate gas well
摘要: 反凝析污染对凝析气井的伤害是凝析气藏开发中遇到的一个非常重要的问题, 它不但降低了近井地带的渗流能力, 造成所求的产能偏小, 且有时会使产能指示曲线出现斜率为负的异常情况。针对反凝析带来的一系列问题, 结合某凝析气田实际情况, 应用数值模拟技术系统分析了反凝析存在对凝析气井产能的影响, 并定量给出了反凝析对产能的影响程度, 为探索凝析气井的合理产能方程提供了指导作用。研究结果表明, 反凝析对气井产能的影响严重, 主要体现在三个方面:一是大大地消耗了地层能量, 使储层产能降低;二是使用二项式产能方程求取的产能比实际的储层产能偏小, 甚至有时相差会达到31%;三是有时会出现二项式产能方程指数曲线的斜率为负值的异常现象。Abstract: The damage of retrograde condensate pollution on condensate gas wells is a very important problem while condensate reservoirs are developed, which decreases the productivity of the condensate gas wells and causes the slope of quadric formnegative. With the geologic feature of someone condensate gas field, the article deeply studies the special phenomena that the retrograde condensate separates out by numerical simulation technology. The conclusions show that the retrograde condensate badly influences productivity. It is shown that the retrograde condensate greatly consumes energy to reduce productivity, and causes that the productivity based on quadric form are smaller than factual 1 (the decline of production capacity could amount 31%), and sometimes bring about the slope of quadric form negative. The paper researches into the quantitative influence of the retrograde condensate is obtained. It guides that we look for reasonable productivity equation of condensate gas well.